Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Freud and Mary Shelleys Frankenstein - 2606 Words

Monsters embody brutality, twisted morality, and irrationality—the banes of human existence, yet the children of man’s inner demons. Monsters are, in short, projections of man’s wicked id. The term creature may suggest monstrosity, and Frankenstein’s creation in Mary Shelley’s novel may be perceived as a personification of the Freudian id. In this case, however, the creature also mediates between its neurotic creator and societal values, just as the Freudian ego, conditioned by the reality principle, mediates between external reality and inner turmoil through practicality. The ego is the psyche’s driving force and, arguably, the real protagonist of Frankenstein. But in the fierce tug-of-war within the ego between the id and its†¦show more content†¦In other words, the doctor’s preoccupation with creating life from the dead took precedence over his own well-being. And this neuroticism is present as a consequence of Frankenstein ’s own failed repression. Repression is a Freudian defense mechanism in which a thought permeates through the ego and into the id—the unconscious—where it is remains under lockdown until conscious effort draws it forth. In Frankenstein’s case, his sacred love for his mother and her unexpected death traumatizes him. Caroline Beaufort dies before he transfers his unconscious desire for her as a conscious desire for someone such as Elizabeth Lavanza, his adopted sister and companion. Further contributing to Frankenstein’s failed transference, Elizabeth is indirectly responsible for Caroline’s death. For Caroline â€Å"heard that her favorite was recovering† from scarlet fever, so she â€Å"entered [Elizabeth’s] chamber long before the danger of infection was past† (25). And Frankenstein recalls that â€Å"the consequences of this imprudence were fatal.† He tries too quickly—within weeks—to move on (26). Rather than properly mourning, he develops an alternate coping mechanism that buries his unconscious desire to bring her back—repression. Yet his wishes resurface upon the creation of his creature, and Frankenstein’s attempted solace fails: the creature, intended to be a distractionShow MoreRelatedSigmund Freud s Frankenstein 1299 Words   |  6 PagesSigmund Freud lays out an understanding instances of the definition of the uncanny. It was based on his psychoanalytic work to treat behavioral disorders and he contend that the human’s behavior is affected by their unconscious that was driven by desires, fears, needs and conflict that they are unware of; he explained the definition of the uncanny which is â€Å"the uncanny is that class of the frightening which lead back to what is known of old and long familiar.† One can see the relation of the uncannyRead MoreSigmund Freud s Frankenstein 1361 Words   |  6 PagesSigmund Freud layed out an understand ing instances of the definition of the uncanny. It was based on his psychoanalytic work to treat behavioral disorders. He contended that the human’s behavior is affected by their unconscious that was driven by desires, fears, needs and conflict that they are unware of. He explained the definition of the uncanny which â€Å"the uncanny is that class of the frightening which lead back to what is known of old and long familiar.† One can see the relation of the uncannyRead MoreEssay on Psycho-Analysis in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein2375 Words   |  10 PagesPsycho-Analysis in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Sigmund Freuds studies in psychoanalysis are uncannily fore-grounded in the late romantic period. The works of William Wordsworth, Percy B. Shelley, Lord Byron, and Mary Shelley, all function as poetic preludes to Freuds 18th century field. Particularly, it is Mary Shelleys Frankenstein that creates a fictional rendering for psychoanalyst. In Frankenstein, Victors rejection of the Monster metaphorically represents the egos rejection of theRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Or The Modern Prometheus 1710 Words   |  7 PagesFrankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley, is one of the most iconic tales of 19th century literature. Grandly displaying a mastery of psychological depth within the characters, the author portrays a flawed society inherent within their scientific progression. As such, the enriching tale draws many criticisms from the society in which Shelley lived in, some of which encompasses appearances, feminism, and class restrictions. Retold th rough multiple mediums, the story is generally seenRead MoreEssay Victors Destruction in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein940 Words   |  4 PagesVictors Destruction in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Mary Shelley, in her book Frankenstein, makes several allusions to the fact that Victor Frankenstein is usurping the role of God in bringing his creature to life. The point of the book seems to be that a human who attempts to usurp the role of God will be heavily punished. Victor Frankenstein is severely punished. He loses everyone he loves before perishing himself in the arctic wastes. But did he really play God or did he merely unleashRead MoreRepresentation of Death through Texts1149 Words   |  5 Pagesgothic fiction. The proposed dissertation shall address some of the different definitions of death through a close examination of three gothic texts taken from the 19th century. The three primary texts this dissertation shall focus on are Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’, James Malcolm Rymer’s ‘Varney the Vampire: The Feast of Blood’ and Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘The Masque of the Red Death’. Each text represents a different type of text allowing the dissertation to explore these definitions, there common ideasRead MoreThe Mirrors Reflection Essay1103 Words   |  5 PagesWithin Frankenstein is a world divided between the egotistical ideas of a mad man and the monster that is created through his insanity: in Lacanian terms, between the Symbolic and the Imaginary Orders. According to Lacan, â€Å"the Imaginary [is a] field of images and imagination, and deception† ( ); Victor’s imagination being reflected solely on the mon ster that is created by his own guilty hands. To Victor, his creation reflects the idea and ego that cultivate through him, it is the sparkRead MoreFear Oneself : Freud s View On Psychoanalysis Essay1247 Words   |  5 Pageswith superiority of rational minds, are able to detect the sober truth; and yet this knowledge does not lessen the impression of uncanniness in the least degree† (Freud 424). Freud’s concept of psychoanalysis revolves around and into the minds of characters in every literary work, trying to understand how they function with their lives. Freud described his process through his essay The Uncanny by explaining how something that is uncanny is considered terrifying â€Å"because it is not known and familiar†Read MorePsychoanalytic Criticism of Relationship Between Victor Frankenstein and His Creature501 Words   |  3 PagesIn Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, the relationship between Victor Frankenstein and the creature he has given l ife to can be explained by applying psychoanalytic criticism. This explanation will look specifically at Victor’s Oedipal complex, the developmental issues of the creature, and the id/ego/superego dynamics between Victor and the creature. The roots of Victor’s Oedipal complex can be traced back to his creation. Alphonse Frankenstein married his best friends’ daughter, a young womanRead MorePsychoanalyzing Victor Frankenstein Essay example1619 Words   |  7 Pagesreflected on his crimes and malice, my hatred and revenge burst all bounds of moderation.† In her novel, Frankenstein, Mary Shelley creates Victor Frankenstein, as a character who becomes psychologically unable to continue his normal life after he turns lifeless mater into a living creature through his studies of natural anatomy. Though many years have passed between the writing of Frankenstein and the making of the Television hit, Dexter, the creator of the show, James Manos Jr., created a character

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The And The Un Declaration On Indigenous Rights - 2314 Words

In recent news reports about LNG development in British Columbia, First Nation communities are only depicted in a position of power when associated with the proposed wealth of the project and this is used to sway an undecided public. Furthermore, British Columbia is currently in a moment of transition deciding where they lie on neoliberal development decisions. Neoliberalism is a form of governance distinguished in its conjunction of particular practices and knowledge production that emphasize the market and the responsibilities of enterprising subjects alongside the recognition of collective and socio-economic rights of disadvantaged groups. Through all this reason, we can argue that stories about First Nation issues and capitalism are particularly significant a site of knowledge where the public determines the news. I also related my argument to Peter Manus online reading and the UN Declaration on Indigenous Rights to give us a relationship between the First Nations and the projec t. In Dirk Meissner s article, â€Å"B.C LNG Minister says â€Å"We re Not Afraid† of Federal Environmental Tests† published on January 27th, 2016, the author introduced Rich Coleman, British Columbia s minister in charge of liquefied natural gas, will be heading to Ottawa to talk about the province s plan for a multibillion dollar LNG industry. Coleman claims he is confident that British Columbia s current environmental regulations will meet any existing or new emission standards. ButShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Beijing Declaration Of Indigenous Women1195 Words   |  5 Pagesthe fast-growing, worldwide network of women who were determined to achieve equality, development, and peace. In the NGO Forum, UN fourth World conference on women in Huairou, Beijing, PROC, the primitive women present had come together to draft a declaration to claim their own rights, so called â€Å"Beijing Declaration of Indigenous Women†. This declaration shows the indigeno us peoples’ struggles of being invaded and colonized, expresses their critique towards Beijing Draft Platform for Action, lists theirRead MoreThe Contemporary Concern Of Indigenous People At The International Platform Essay1594 Words   |  7 Pagescontemporary concern for indigenous people at the international platform gained its popularity from the long-standing Sui generis deviation of self-determination standard, that supplements the Sui generis deviation which the twentieth century classic colonialism represents (Anaya 1996). Indeed, the concept of indigenous people is usually understood to mean a culturally cohesive group who suffers inequality with the state wherein they leave because of historical empire or conquest (UN DOC 1986; Anaya 1996)Read MoreTreaty Rights Of Indigenous People1625 Words   |  7 Pagesregional indigenous organizations in the 1970s like the North American Indian Brotherhood (NAIB) contributed immensely in forging a regional voice for indigenou s people in North America (Sanders, 1977) while the Sami Council remarkably stood its ground as one of the earliest recognized ethno-based regional council emboldening and uniting Sami in Norway, Finland and Sweden (Dahl, 2012). The NAIB was among the first indigenous peoples’ organization to seek NGO status in 1972 within the UN (SandersRead MoreRights of Indigenous Australians755 Words   |  3 Pagesin society are permitted to have specific rights. Individuals in traditional homelands have the right to determine the application of health, education and welfare entitlements, free from government regulation and discrimination. However the rights Indigenous Australians are entitled to are not being completely abided by and therefore white law is being used as a tool of discrimination to Indigenous Australians. Before the case of Eddie Mabo, Indigenous Australian’s ancestral lands that they wereRead MoreHuman Rights Within The World1313 Words   |  6 Pagesas human rights are dated back to violent history. Nazi Germany arguably sparked an interest in human rights as their â€Å"good triumphed through the acts of a selfless few or out of the depths of evil†. Human rights refer to the laws, acts and policies initiated in order to protect vulnerable, oppressed people in the world and allow them to possibly thrive in this world. Although women, sexual minorities, and racialized minorities all play a significant role in the development of human rights—racializedRead MoreThe Struggles Indigenous Peoples Face to Obtain Justice Essay1577 Words   |  7 PagesThere are over 5000 Indigenous communities in over 70 different countries. They are defined collectively under the term Indigenous Peoples (IPs) by the Cobo Report but this term also allows for their diversity. They fac e numerous legal issues in attempting to achieve their rights, so they have collectively united to access the remedies available to them to achieve justice. Broad characteristics to define them are highlighted in the Mick Dodson report and include: connection with territory thatRead MoreThe Impact Of Globalization On Indigenous People And Impaired Their Way Of Life1651 Words   |  7 Pageseach other, direct effect of globalization. There have been significant beneficial outcomes, but one will wonder at what cost? Throughout the process, societies have neglected the rights of Indigenous people and impaired their way of life; the actions of the human race have caused irreversibly consequences to the Indigenous people. Cultural Survival Background David Maybury –lewis, an anthropologist, took initiative through the founding of cultural survival (non profit group) that eventually becameRead MoreUnited Nations Adoption of the Universal Declaration1437 Words   |  6 PagesThe Universal Declaration was adopted by the UN in 1948. Amongst other things, it guarantees free speech, assembly, religion, and the basic necessities of life, like food and housing; it says that everyone has the right to work, to equal and fair pay for equal work, and that all have the right to be free from slavery, torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The basic premises are that a) people do not have to do or be anything in particular in order to enjoy human rights but that theyRead MoreAustralia Based On The Doctrine Of Terra Nullius1416 Words   |  6 Pages This meant that they did not formally recognize the existing Indigenous Australians and their ancestral land. Subsequently, the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders were excluded from matters concerning their ancestral land during the drafting of the Australian constitution. Thus, resulting in an Australian constitution that discriminated against its first peoples, their connection to the land, culture and laws. â€Å"The Indigenous people we subjugated to the laws and customs of England, the AustralianRead MoreAnthropology : Indigenous People And Tribes Essay1244 Words   |  5 PagesArjhong Mardani IHSS Dr. Lee December 5, 2016 Anthropology: Indigenous People/Tribes Change due to Outside Contact Outside contact does not always result in depopulation, despite the fact, that in many cases, it s followed by cultural and social disintegration. I will bring up the reasons to why outside contact changes Indigenous people/tribes, and why these their cultures have changed juristically over time. So what is Social Anthropology, and how does it relate to Australian Aborigines? Social

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am Just An Average American Girl - 1726 Words

People think that I am just an average American girl. A regular black girl or whatever they call us these days. I feel as though they are mistaken by the image I display. I hold all my past to myself. Only a hand full of people know the real me. I decided to share my story with you. I was born November 16, 1986 in Greensboro, North Carolina. (My sister was born two and a half years afterwards.) My mother and father, Karlar Arthur and Fletcher Arthur Jr. were good parents. They allowed me to be creative and express myself. (Not when I drew on the walls though.) I started drawing since the day I figured out how to hold a pencil. I did the same types of drawings other children did, but unlike them I had a story to tell with mine. My drawings impressed my teachers. When my mother and father separated, we moved to Miami, Florida. We stayed with family and moved so many times to different locations. My mother became an addict. This led me to love school. School was a way for me to get awa y from what was going on at home. I attended Olinda Elementary School on 22nd avenue and 54th street. My kindergarten teacher was Mr. Michaelchek. I remember this teacher because he was hard. He wanted to see which of his students were gifted and which were regular students. We did every subject in his class. I do not remember doing any science though. He focus a lot on math and reading. I remember one assignment where he was teaching us how to add three digit numbers and everyoneShow MoreRelatedAmerican Media And Its Effects On Society1277 Words   |  6 Pageswell-known practice in American media, but is that the only system in place used to limit diversity? The American media such as television, cinema, modeling/ fashion, and even politics is generally centered around white men and women. People of varying ethnicities, sexual orientations, abilities, and larger body sizes are severely underrepresented. Considering America is a so called melting pot of cultures, shouldn’t the media reflect the communities who watch it? â€Å"Our media is diverse. I see different racesRead MoreEssay On Body Image And Self Esteem1128 Words   |  5 Pagesself-esteem are dropping in young girls, even girls as young as 7. These girls are worried about how they look, from their hair, their clothes, and even make up. Most girls self-esteem starts dropping around age 12, but we can combat this self-esteem drop by showing different models in the media. Whether its a billboard or a magazine models of different race, background, ability and body size, on top of many other things can help boost body image and self-esteem. I strongly believe that we shouldRead MoreThe Negative Impact on a Womans Self Esteem816 Words   |  3 PagesFatema Mernissi, â€Å"Size 6: The Western Womans Harem,† (274) explains how American Society can put a negative impact on a womans self esteem because of their harsh expectations. She puts the blame on the American mans requirements that a woman be a size four or six to be considered desi rable. Our society is obsessed with the thought of being thin. The media puts out a harsh influence on how our young girls are suppose to look and act. These kind of expectations cause eating disorders and very lowRead MoreThe Influence of Technology on American Families Essay1023 Words   |  5 Pagesmembers of a household under one roof, it is obvious that technology and media has greatly effected the contemporary American family. There are many forces and pressures that help to shape the American family that we all see, as well as, are a part of today. Technology and media has brought us very far as a country, but has also inflicted upon norms of yesterday. Technology is growing now just as fast as ever before and families are constantly changing because of it. Every age has its own new inventionRead MoreQuestions On The Math Class934 Words   |  4 Pagesare 51% males and 48% females. Of the 846 students, 65% are Latino, 27% are Caucasian, 3% are African American, and 1% are multi-racial. At Wallace Middle school I observe two classes, eighth grade Pre-AP Algebra and an eighth grade math class. The math class is composed of about 30 students and due to a lack of classroom management they are a handful, to say the least. After careful consideration, I opted to teach Mr. Gutierrez’s first period Algebra class. The learning environment in this class isRead MoreWhat Does Barbie Mean to You?1086 Words   |  4 Pagesicon symbols in any young girls’ and women’s’ lives. Barbie can represent a multitude of things depending on who you ask. She can be defined as a positive thing like a brand or a tradition but also thought of negatively as a promotion of the beauty ideal. The main reason that Barbie gained so much popularity and is still popular today was because her main purpose and her conception were to fill the void of having a role-playing toy. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, the girls had only baby dolls and paperRead MoreMarriage Doesnt Have to End in Divorce1560 Words   |  6 Pagesbefore my eyes, I have grown to love the person I have become. However, I cannot take all the credit when it comes to how I had the ability to define who I am. Specific authorities who have been directly or indirectly in my life have played a part in helping me see who I am and who I can become as time progresses. As of today, I have the confidence to say that I am ambitious, a role model, devoted, an African American woman and a family person. My identity is important to me because I want to be theRead MoreEssay about Mary Pauls Letters951 Words   |  4 Pageseconomic growth. Several cultural movements reformed American society. Mary Paul, once just a normal girl from Vermont, led a life that was shaped by the changes of the 1800s. The information gathered from Mary Pauls letters to her father make it clear that Marys life experiences turned her into anything but an average woman. However, in the scope of the economic and cultural reforms of the nineteenth century, Mary Paul represents the average American. Before the Marketing Revolution, women had aRead MoreSociety’s Influence on Teenagers: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa1294 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"fat†, â€Å"tubby†, etc. The average fashion model is 59 to 6 tall. The average American woman is 5 4 tall. The average fashion model weighs 110-118 pounds. The average American woman weighs 142 pounds. One study showed that 44% of middle school girls who frequently read articles about dieting were twice as likely to try fasting and dieting and were three times more likely to try self-induced vomiting than girls who didnt read the articles. (Recovery and Support Network, 2008) I believe it is theseRead MoreSociety’s Influence on Young Girls: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa1296 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"fat†, â€Å"tubby†, etc. The average fashion model is 59 to 6 tall. The average American woman is 5 4 tall. The average fashion model weighs 110-118 pounds. The average American woma n weighs 142 pounds. One study showed that 44% of middle school girls who frequently read articles about dieting were twice as likely to try fasting and dieting and were three times more likely to try self-induced vomiting than girls who didnt read the articles. (Recovery and Support Network, 2008) I believe it is these

The Epic Poem Gilgamesh - 1748 Words

The Epic poem Gilgamesh dates back to approximately 3000 B.C., yet it is still widely popular in the modern day 21st century, as are the themes and messages the poem may have tried to express. The transformation of Gilgamesh, or perhaps whether or not Gilgamesh actually transformed, is a topic of debate relating to this piece. Dr. Micah Sadigh contends that Gilgamesh conveys the message of existentialism, which is explored in the works of famous philosophers such as Kierkegaard, Buber, and Heidegger. Therefore making the poem pertain well to everyday life of modern humans, which may not be expected from such a historic text. However, Enkidu is an interesting subject to view in the poem, as it seems that the â€Å"existentials† are forced upon him, and these ultimately lead to his death. Enkidu initially is naturally moral and happy, but both Gilgamesh and human consciousness lead his naturalness to be ruined, as is demonstrated in his last words before dying, cursing Shamhat for essentially making him human. Even though he recants these statements, they come from pure emotion during his realization of death and should be seen as meaningful. Ultimately, it is true that Gilgamesh exhibited a transformation of morals from the beginning of the poem to the end, mainly because of his friend Enkidu, even though Enkidu perished due to human consciousness. Furthermore, it can be extrapolated from the story that the â€Å"existentials† may only work to define human experience and to give humanShow MoreRelatedThe Poem Epic Of Gilgamesh 891 Words   |  4 PagesThe poem Epic of Gilgamesh highlights the complexand important roles of women in society long before notions of feminism became prevalent. This poem depicts not only the intellectual side of women but also solidifies them as beautiful, seductive, and powerful beings, who on a number of occasions evidence their equality and sometimes superiority to man. Take Shamhat for instance, she was a beautiful temple priestess, who was used to seduce the beast Enkidu, with her beauty and charm. So GilgameshRead MoreThe Epic of Gilgamesh Poem1357 Words   |  6 PagesIn the epic poem titled The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was a king who ruled over the Sumerian city of Uruk around 2600 B.C. Gilgamesh was a very powerful and strong king, but he realized that he must use his power to help the people of Uruk. He is two-thirds god and one third human, which makes him realize that he must reconcile with the fact that he will eventually face death. He realizes that he will not reach full immortality and needs to be satisfied with his responsibilities over his peopleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Epic Of Gilgamesh 2135 Words   |  9 Pages2100. In Mesopotamia, around 1300 B.C.E to 1000 B.C.E, Old Babylonians edited Epic of Gilgamesh, a poem describes how did Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, try to find the everlasting life. This literature means a lot in history not only because it is almost the earliest written documents, but also because it reflects the worldview about Mesopotamia. For instance, Gods in this poem are pictured as terrible and selfish. Just like Mesopotamia, every ancient region had its own beliefRead MoreGender Roles During The Epic Of Gilgamesh An Epic Poem 939 Words   |  4 PagesBrandon Olmos April 4, 2017 Gender Roles In Gilgamesh, an epic poem, gender roles play a large role in the plot line. Even female goddesses had some key roles through this ancient epic. They might not have necessarily had the same strengths and duties to their male counterparts, but their roles were substantial. Even though the main characters in this epic, Enkidu and Gilgamesh, are male, women still had major roles in their tale. In the story of Ruth, Naomi and her mother-in-law defy genderRead MoreCivilizations and Heroism in the Epic Poems of Gilgamesh and Beowulf624 Words   |  3 Pagescivilizations. Heroes represent the principles and ideals associated with the varying morals of each individual society. The literature of Mesopotamia and Western Europe is a prime example of this. Beowulf, an Anglo-Germanic tale and The Epic of Gilgamesh, of the Sumerians, demonstrate perfectly, the ability of civilizations to convey the values and customs of their society through their literature. The setting for Beowulf is Scandinavia, before the time Christianity had spread its course.Read MoreBeowulf And The Epic Of Gilgamesh1667 Words   |  7 Pagesthe most widely known epic poems of their time were Beowulf and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Both Beowulf and Gilgamesh embody traits known exclusively of a hero. The poem of Beowulf and The Epic Gilgamesh both showcase the characteristics required of being an epic, in that they include a hero on a quest performing valorous deeds in an elevated style, while being protected by supernatural forces. The epic poem, Beowulf was based in the country of Denmark, while The Epic of Gilgamesh was based in a regionRead More The Epic of Gilgamesh is Truely an Epic Essay1690 Words   |  7 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh is Truely an Epic An epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.  Ã‚   The main characteristics of an epic as a literary genre is that it is a long poem that tells a story, it contains an epic hero, its hero searches for immortality (but doesnt find it physically, only through fame), gods or other supernatural beings are interested and involved, and it delivers an historical message.  Read MoreThe Battle Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh931 Words   |  4 Pagesthe story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu partaking in their adventure to the edge of the Cedar Forest, and their encounter with a guard, an enemy. Throughout this battle, Gilgamesh loses faith in the couples ability to defeat the guard but is ultimately talked back into his heroic mindset by The Gods. In column VI, having just defeated the guard, Enkidu then finds himself in a similar situation to Gilgamesh, whereby he doubts their ability to defeat Humbaba, and it co mes down to Gilgamesh, and his leadershipRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 903 Words   |  4 Pagesquote than the epic. Epics in media are presented with high stakes, memorable heroes, and thought-provoking messages. They originated in preliterate societies and among the first epics is the ancient Mesopotamian poem called â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh†. Written during the Third Dynasty of Ur, â€Å"Gilgamesh† tells the adventures of the eponymous king as he befriends an intended rival created by a goddess, slays monsters, and embarks a personal and perilous quest for eternal life. The poem is widely consideredRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Odyssey Essay1548 Words   |  7 Pagesmisogyny into stone. There are some exceptional cases in the famous epic poems, the Epic of Gilgamesh of the Sumerians and Akkadians and the Odyssey from Homer of the Greeks. We all can agree that these epic poems or at most the authors did not view women with our modern perspective – equality among gender. However, we cannot deny that female characters helped set the path of the epic heroes’ journey to their goals. In these epic poems, women are portrayed as figures and themes of knowledge, motherhood

Chronic Kidney Diseases Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Chronic Kidney Diseases. Answer: Introduction: There are a number of health concerns that have started to dominate the majority of human life ever since the society started to advance itself. Undoubtedly there have been a number of boons that the society has bestowed upon us with its technological advances and the spike in the economy however what it has taken away in turn is time (Coca, Singanamala, Parikh, 2012). Time is nowadays the most expensive commodity there is and in the rat race of success, everyone is chasing the unattainable and ignoring the rest of what human life is (Han, 2014). There is no time for anyone to spend with their loved ones, no time to just stop and catch your breath and no time to take adequate care of our health (Chawla Kimmel, 2012). From feeding habits to lack of sleep to paramount stress, the culmination of these factors has given us the ultimate plunge to a myriad of health concerns. Be it diabetes, coronary heart diseases or cancer, the health of the entire society continues to deteriorate (Coc a, Singanamala, Parikh, 2012). Chronic kidney disorders are one of the most prevalent lethal health disorders there is that has a vast majority of the society crippled. This report will attempt to evaluate and analyse different aspects associated with chronic kidney disorders and its prevalence taking Australia as an example. Chronic kidney diseases: In order to characterize the prevalence of kidney disorders across Australia and what factors are associated with the predominance of this disease it is important to evaluate the basics of this disease. A more medically acceptable term for critical kidney disorders are chronic renal diseases (Coca, Singanamala, Parikh, 2012). This particular disease is characterized by the progressive loss of kidney functions, symptoms of which however are not very specific or easily distinguishable. However individuals with the higher blood pressure and diabetes, the risk for succumbing to chronic kidney diseases are higher (Hedayati, Yalamanchili, Finkelstein, 2012). Apart from the tell tale signs of higher blood pressure, uremic symptoms like lethargy and pericarditis due to the abnormal accumulation of urea is another conspicuous symptom for chronic renal diseases (Lahmer Heemann, 2012). Hyperkalemia or higher concentration of potassium accumulated in the blood is another effect of malfunction ing kidneys (Han, 2014). Elaborating on the causes leading to this, the most commonly recognized cause is diabetes mellitus, apart from that glomerulonephritis also is a major cause leading to kidney failures (Sellares, et al., 2012). Renal artery tenosis and idiopathic kidneys are also deemed as the contributing factors to kidney failures. Now idiopathic kidneys are nothing but smaller size of kidneys that are not compatible to the needs of an adult body. Glomerular diseases however have some subdivisions, primary conditions appear as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis that is known as IgA nephropathy and the secondary glomerular diseases develop diabetic nephropathy or lupus nephritis (Hallan, et al., 2012). Obstructive bilateral nephropathy characterized by the kidney stones also leads to kidney failure in the prolonged situations that lead to chronic kidney failures (Sellares, et al., 2012). Global scenario: Chronic kidney disorders are considered to be the one of the most prevalent health concerns all over the globe, encompassing people irrespective of their age and gender. The global health care data suggests that roughly 200 million individuals all across the world are suffering from chronic renal diseases (Goldsmith, et al., 2010). Considering the demographics, the African Americans have almost fourfold risk to kidney diseases than the rest of the cosmopolitan population (Hallan, et al., 2012). The impact of socio-economic status and the standard of lifestyle also have a large impact on the risk factor. Studies suggest that low to middle income families in the developing countries also have a significantly higher risk to kidney disorders. It has to be also considered that the health care costs of the kidney disorders in the health care facilities worldwide increase the mortality rates for this disease (Chawla Kimmel, 2012). According to the reports of the world health organization k idney disorders are considered to be one of the top ten contributors to the global mortality rate and the condition continues to deteriorate (Hallan, et al., 2012). Prevalence in particular nations: Chronic kidney diseases have no wonder become the most prevalent public health issue all over the world and have gained a subsequent impact on the mortality rates. Taking the example of Australia, one of three Australians are at risk of chronic kidney disorders (, 2017). It has to be considered that the statistics are frightening and it is not showing any signs of improvement. Different explorative studies on the prevalence of kidney disorders in Australia suggest that more than 40 % of the elderly Australian residents are at risk to kidney failure, specially for the 75 years and higher (, 2017). Other than that studies have also been successful to discover that the patents suffering from kidney disorders are at higher risk to coronary heart failures as well. Along with that it has also been witnessed that the Australians with chronic kidney diseases had the risk of dying due to heart failure 20 folds higher than the rest. Now coming to the younger population, 1.7 millions of Australian youngsters taking up the more than 10% of the entire Australian population have the symptoms to chronic heart diseases (, 2017). Considering the numerical data, the risk to chronic kidney diseases in the Australians are, 42% in the respondents aged 75 or more, 21% in the respondents aged 65 to 74, and 6% in the respondents aged 18 to 54. These frightening statistics are not of the Australia alone, conditions all over the globe are very similar (, 2017). For instance, if we take the example of China to draw a comparison, the risk to kidney disorders is similar to some extent. In a exploratory study 10.8% of the younger adults were found to be suffering with chronic kidney diseases (Zhang, et al., 2012). In another exploratory study more than 21.3% of the diabetics of the country were found to have been struggling with kidney disorders as well. Obesity, hypertension and diabetes have been discovered to be the major contributing factors behind the escalating kidney malfunctions in China as well (Zhang, et al., 2012). Incidence of CKD in Australia incidence of CKD and kidney transplant in China (, 2017) (Zhang, et al., 2012) Treatments and preventions: With kidney disorders being one of the major public health disorders there are a number of treatment pathways available as well. In more advanced stages of chronic kidney disorders the treatment pathways that can be opted are dialysis and kidney transplant (Goldsmith, et al., 2010). Both of these techniques are opted for in case of end stage kidney disorders, the patients experience stages of near complete or complete kidney failures, where the kidneys can longer participate in the excretion (Chawla Kimmel, 2012). In this case dialysis helps in removing the waste material and excess excretory fluid from the body. It can be done by two specific techniques, heamodialysis is where a machine connected to the circulatory system removes the excretory products from the body and in peritoneal dialysis, the dialysis solution is inserted into the abdominal cavity of the of the patient through a thin catheter, this solution absorbs the excretory product (Hedayati, Yalamanchili, Finkelstein, 2 012). When the dialysis method cannot yield any positive results kidney transplant is opted as the last resort, where the patient will receive a donated kidney via a surgical transplant. However, in case of early stages medications are also used in the treatment of the kidney disorders. The drugs that are commonly prescribed to kidney patients are ACE inhibitors to lower blood pressure and decrease kidney load, along with diuretics (Hallan, et al., 2012). In case of preventative measures, care should be taken to prevent the confounding factors to kidney disorders like blood pressure, diabetes, high blood sugar. Hence healthy diet, regular exercise regime and limited consumption of alcohol and tobacco has proven to help in minimizing the risk to kidney failure (Hallan, et al., 2012). Role of health professional: In any treatment procedure the role of health professionals are tremendous, if we consider dialysis as the treatment of example the two health professionals that will be involved in the procedure are a doctor and a nurse (Sellares, et al., 2012).The clinical practitioner that is certified to aid a patient dealing with kidney disorder is the nephrologist. He will relay the order for the type of dialysis that the patient will undergo and will make the clinical judgment about the details of the dialysis procedure (James, Hemmelgarn, Tonelli, 2010). The nursing professional that the patient will require is the nephrology nurse, a registered nurse certified to specialize in nephrology care. A registered nurse specialized in the kidney failure related care will help in assessing the vital signs of the patient and will also take adequate notice of the medication administered to the patient and will ensure that the dialysis bags are timely placed and replaced (Lahmer Heemann, 2012). Along with that the nephrology unit RN will be responsible for assessing the changes in the patients conditions during and after the dialysis procedure and provide adequate care to the grievances of the patient (Goldsmith, et al., 2010). Impact on community: If we consider the prevalence of the kidney disorders in different ethnic or modern communities, it can be seen that, the African Americans have the biggest risk of succumbing to kidney failures among the rest of the racial communities (James, Hemmelgarn, Tonelli, 2010). As mentioned above the risk to chronic kidney failures is 4 times higher than any other ethnic or racial communities and the contributing factor to this scenario can be the lower lifestyle standards of this community (Liyanage, et al., Worldwide access to treatment for end-stage kidney disease: a systematic review., 2015). The number of CKD patients in the Hispanics has been rising steadily since the year of 2010 and has not shown any signs of decreasing ever since, however their incidence rates are near 1.5 times than the rest (Han, 2014). Lastly, the aboriginal communities also have a higher of CKD incidence that the non aboriginal population and the research shows that 11 times more aboriginals seek medical care for kidney failure than the non-aboriginal populations (Sellares, et al., 2012). Conclusion: On a concluding note, it can be said that chronic kidney diseases are a growing public health concern and this particular disease has an adverse effect on not just the physical health of the individual but also affects the psych of the individual as well. Malfunctioning kidneys and the medical dependence and inabilities it comes coupled with can seriously depress the patients. However with the right treatment plan and adequate preventative measures the escalating statistics of kidney disorders can be averted. Bibliography (2017). How many Australians have chronic kidney disease? Retrieved from Chawla, L. S., Kimmel, P. L. (2012). Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease: an integrated clinical syndrome. Kidney international, 516-524. Coca, S. G., Singanamala, S., Parikh, C. R. (2012). Chronic kidney disease after acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Kidney international, 442-448. Goldsmith, D. J., Covic, A., Fouque, D., Locatelli, F., Olgaard, K., Rodriguez, M., Vanholder, R. (2010). Endorsement of the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Chronic Kidney DiseaseMineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) Guidelines: a European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) commentary statement. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. Hallan, S. I. (2012). Age and association of kidney measures with mortality and end-stage renal disease. Jama, 2349-2360. Hallan, S. I., Matsushita, K., Sang, Y., Mahmoodi, B. K., Black, C., Ishani, A., Wetzels, J. F. (2012). Age and association of kidney measures with mortality and end-stage renal disease. Jama, 2349-2360. Han, Y. Z. (2014). hort-term rosuvastatin therapy for prevention of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 62-70. Hedayati, S. S., Yalamanchili, V., Finkelstein, F. O. (2012). A practical approach to the treatment of depression in patients with chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease. Kidney international,, 247-255. James, M. T., Hemmelgarn, B. R., Tonelli, M. (2010). Early recognition and prevention of chronic kidney disease. . The Lancet, 1296-1309. Lahmer, T., Heemann, U. (2012). Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease: a rare autoimmune disorder affecting the kidney and the lung. Autoimmunity reviews, 169-173. Liyanage, T., Ninomiya, T., Jha, V., Neal, B., Patrice, H. M., Okpechi, I., Rodgers, A. (2014). Worldwide access to treatment for end-stage kidney disease: a systematic review. The Lancet, 1975-1982. Liyanage, T., Ninomiya, T., Jha, V., Neal, B., Patrice, H., Okpechi, I., . . . Rodgers, A. (2015). Worldwide access to treatment for end-stage kidney disease: a systematic review. The Lancet, 1975-1982. Sellares, J., De Freitas, D. G., Mengel, M., Reeve, J., Einecke, G. S., Halloran, P. F. (2012). Understanding the Causes of Kidney Transplant Failure: The Dominant Role of Antibody?Mediated Rejection and Nonadherence. American Journal of Transplantation, 388-399. Zhang, L., Wang, F., Wang, L., Wang, W., Liu, B., Liu, J., Chen, N. (2012). Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in China: a cross-sectional survey. The Lancet, 815-822.

Sustainable Development of Siemens Building Technologies †Samples

Question: Discuss about the Sustainable Development of Siemens Building Technologies. Answer: Introduction: Siemens Building technologies is the company selected for developing the business case using the different sections including problem identification, different benefits from the innovation, strategic response or plan, analysis of project options, as well as solution deliverability. This is one of the main operational units of Siemens. The company was established way back in 1998 from the acquisition of different companies which together integrated and combined in order to achieve the different business objectives including building automation, fire safety as well as engineering services (Nordic Innovation, 2017). The headquarter of the company is situated in Zug of Switzerland having more than 35, 000 employees and works together to make this organization more safe, comfortable, secure as well as cost efficient. The company is performing its business operations across the globe and mainly include Asia Pacific, America, Germany, and South west, eastern as well as central Europe. The services of performance contracting of the company facilitated to provide effective saving solutions of the energy within the organization. The company is aimed to solve its business problems by providing automated building systems, as well as ventilation, heating and solutions for the air conditioning systems in order to reduce overall operational costs for the company (Halme Korpela, 2014). The services of performance contracting are one of the major business operations for the Siemens for about twenty years and have enabled the company to perform its business operations in both innovative as well as sustainable manner. Problem Identification: It has been analysed from the different research and latest developments that innovation is one of the key factor for the sustainable development of the companies. Most of the companies across the globe have realised that their environmental friendly business approach will help them to remain competitive and enable them to formulate strategies which are innovation driven with sustainable development of the business operations for the companies at the same time (Shrivastava et al, 2016). The appropriate innovation model will help the companies to achieve their target or objective of the sustainable development. There are different issues which are observed in business operations across the globe that is mainly categorised into four categories including social, financial, and environmental as well as governance. Consumer rights, employee turnover, customer relations, employee training, diversity issues, supplier relationships, or labour relations are some possible social issues observed in business. Shareholder returns, procurement, revenue or operating costs or financial support from government are some possible financial issues analysed in business. Environmental policy, value chain or management, emissions of green house gases, management of natural resources, environmental compliance or regulatory risk are some possible environmental issues observed in business across the globe (Liedtke et al, 2015). In the similar manner, business ethics, compliance, diversity, succession planning, ethical standards, transparency, stakeholder interest, executive remunerations, ownership structure, accounting or audit process are some possible governance issues which are observed in the business operations of the companies across the globe. The different stakeholders have their important role in the business models used in innovation and sustainable development of the business operations of the companies. Investors, funders, regulators, customers, employees, exporters as well as communities are key stakeholders play vital role in the efficient implementation of innovation sustainable business model within the organizations (Boons Ldeke-Freund, 2013). Siemens technologies is the company mainly selected for the innovative sustainable development business model that mainly focuses to minimise the overall operating costs for the company by providing different range of automation systems including ventilation, heating as well as solutions of air conditioning. The company is also focussed to provide saving solutions for energy which is the main problem identified during the development of new innovative and sustainable business model for the organizations. The company has mainly adopted the model of value proposition for its services of performance contracting that is focused to provide self financed as well as low risk saving solutions for the energy to their customers for the ships and large buildings (Broman Robrt, 2017). This has helped the company in significant manner to save their energy sources by reducing overall level of carbon dioxide emissions as well as reducing overall capital over the energy consumptions. Benefits of the innovation: The business model developed by the Siemens Building technologies provide several innovative benefits to the company which has enabled it to operate its business operations in more sustainable manner in coming years. This innovation provides both environmental as well as economical benefits to the business of the company. From the environmental perspective, it has been analysed that this innovative business model has enabled the company to save energy sources for the customers (Voegtlin Scherer, 2017). The energy savings have been varied from one project to another but usually reduced by the limit from 20 to 50 percent that has also helped the company to reduce level of carbon emissions from their business operations. It is also analysed that innovative business model adopted by the company has facilitated the services of performance contracts by reducing huge amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is about 9.5 million tonnes. The innovative business model has also provided several economical or financial benefits to the company. This model has enabled the company to save their overall expenses on amount of reduction of carbon dioxide by saving one Euro on 9.5 kg of the carbon dioxide. On estimation from the above data for the reductions of level of carbon dioxide, services of performance contracting for energy savings has enabled the company to save 1 billion Euros from the duration of 2000 to 2016 (Welford, 2013). In addition, the company has an immense experience in the field of energy savings by using the innovative business models focused on latest and advanced technologies for reduction of amount of energy consumptions. This innovative step has also helped the company to save additional 1.5 billion Euros with guaranteed assurance for the energy savings to their customers all across the globe. The solutions for energy savings as provided by the Siemens has also provided several significant gains in terms of economical and financial benefits by enhancing values of the building among the potential customers (Boons et al, 2013). For example, if a building has low operational costs as compared to buildings with similar traits then certainly enhance value of building among the potential renters or customers. Due to this factor, the owners of the building are able to set high costs for the rents that are certainly helping the owners in enhancing their net revenues as well as financial efficiencies for their invested capital. Moreover, this innovative approach also helps the company to enhance their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) profile as well as environmental image (Tawney et al, 2015). The innovation has certainly helped the company to enhance their brand image among the potential customers and investors that has played significant role in sustainable development of the business operations of the Siemens with enhanced market share across the globe. Strategic response or plan: The different strategies can be adopted by the company in order to achieve its objective of sustainable development with help of innovative business models. Defensive, accommodative and proactive are different type of strategies adopted by the companies on the basis of their organizational goals or objectives (Richter, 2013). But the proactive strategy is the most feasible for the Siemens in the present scenario as effectively integrates social or environmental objectives with the overall business objectives in order to achieve the target of sustainable development. The innovation solutions can be provided with the help of following plan which mainly include four steps. In the first step of process, preliminary analysis for the total amount of potential savings for the energy has been conducted by inspecting the past as well as present consumption of energy for establishment of the customers. This analysis enables the company to prepare efficient business case by estimating amount of energy that can be saved, overall costs for the project and propose the guarantee scheme for energy savings (Weaver et al, 2017). The cost required for the preliminary analysis is also shared among the potential customers of Siemens in order to enhance the commitment level of the customers. This step enables the customers to decide on the fact that if they wanted to continue their involvement for the new innovative model. In second step, comprehensive and detailed analysis for the estimation of energy savings has been confirmed or invalidated on the basis of first step. In this step, customer has an alternative to pull them out from the project on their previous agreed prices for the solution. In third step, detailed analysis enables the customers to sign the construction contract and effectively implement the project based on innovative and sustainable model (Stafford-Smith et al, 2016). In the final step for the strategy plan, guarantee phase for the energy savings has been comprised which enable investment profits for both customers as well as company. This stage also ensures effective mentoring for energy savings which is the one of the objective for sustainable development of the company. Project options analysis: This is the stage which enables the companies to effectively implement the business model within the organizations. The innovative segment which is included in Siemenss business model divided into two options or alternatives to effectively implement the model in sustainable manner. The company can provide the guarantee for the energy savings to their customers with the latest technologies and if that not possible then needs to pay the amount which is suffered by the customers due to incompletion of the desired targets for energy savings (Atkinson et al ,2014). This will enable low investment risks for the potential customers of the company. In addition, if energy saving is more than the estimation, then additional profits can be equally shared between the customers and the company. This enables the company to enhance their performance level and helps to motivate their customers to reduce amount of energy consumption that ensures more benefits for the customers. In order to ensure feasible investments, the saving solutions for the energy need to be of specific size. Due to this reason, private and public organizations are the key customer segment for the company. The customers from public sector are found through procurement tenders publically whereas; customers from private sectors are contracted with help of existing contracts involving intelligence systems for the building (Kinnear Ogden, 2014). The customers related to shipping industry are also targeted by the company. The company also organises seminars to enhance customer engagement and interest towards savings solution for the energy. Delivery of the recommended solution: The delivery of efficient solutions for the project mainly depends on several drivers in order to ensure sustainable development including sales or profit margin, cost or cost reduction, reputation or brand value, risk or risk reduction, innovative capabilities as well as attractiveness as the owner. The saving solutions for the energy depend on the various factors like increasing urbanisation, rising energy demand and population growth. It has been analysed that population living in cities contribute 80% carbon dioxide emissions across the globe which is only 50% of globes population (Blewitt, 2014). This indicates that market for services of performance contracting will be certainly increased for the company due to rise in population as well as energy demand. The innovative models will provide sustainable delivery solutions for energy savings for approximately of about ten years within the specific building across the globe. Further, estimation of potential energy savings and implementation of systems using the latest technologies are the major activities involved in the business model as adopted by the Siemens. Human capital is the key resource for the company in order to effectively perform detailed as well as preliminary analysis (Belletti et al, 2017). The company can use human capital within the organization in order to effectively provide the innovative solutions to the customers that will ensure sustainable development of the company. The company can also provide financial assistance to customers who are not capable to finance solutions for the energy savings. Conclusion: From the report, it is concluded that business case plays very significant role in order to develop efficient business model for the companies. The amount of energy consumption across the globe is the major problem which has been identified in this report. Adequate solutions for energy savings and reduction of overall costs are some key benefits observed from innovative business model (Sachs, 2015). Proactive strategy enables the company to effectively implement business model which helps the company to achieve its target of sustainable development with organizational objectives. Additional benefits and guarantee for the estimated energy savings can be the options adopted by the company to analyse the project. Increasing population and demand for energy needs to be considered by the company while providing energy saving solutions to the potential customers across the globe. References: Atkinson, G., Dietz, S., Neumayer, E. Agarwala, M. (2014). Handbook of sustainable development.UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Belletti, G., Marescotti, A. Touzard, J. (2017). Geographical indications, public goods, and sustainable development: The roles of actors strategies and public policies. World Development, 98, 45-57. Blewitt, J. (2014). Understanding sustainable development.UK: Routledge. Boons, F. Ldeke-Freund, F. (2013). Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 45, 9-19. Boons, F., Montalvo, C., Quist, J. Wagner, M. (2013). Sustainable innovation, business models and economic performance: an overview. Journal of Cleaner Production, 45, 1-8. Broman, G. Robrt, K. (2017). A framework for strategic sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 17-31. Halme, M. Korpela, M. (2014). Responsible Innovation toward sustainable development in small and medium?sized enterprises: a resource perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(8), 547-566. Kinnear, S. Ogden, I. (2014). Planning the innovation agenda for sustainable development in resource regions: A central Queensland case study. Resources Policy, 39, 42-53. Liedtke, C., Baedeker, C., Hasselku, M., Rohn, H. Grinewitschus, V. (2015). User-integrated innovation in Sustainable LivingLabs: an experimental infrastructure for researching and developing sustainable product service systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 97, 106-116. Nordic Innovation (2017). Green Business Model Innovation - Business case study compendium. Retrieved from: Richter, M. (2013). Business model innovation for sustainable energy: German utilities and renewable energy. Energy Policy, 62, 1226-1237. Sachs, J. (2015). The age of sustainable development.USA: Columbia University Press. Shrivastava, P., Ivanaj, S. Ivanaj, V. (2016). Strategic technological innovation for sustainable development. International Journal of Technology Management, 70(1), 76-107. Stafford-Smith, M., Griggs, D., Gaffney, O., Ullah, F., Reyers, B., Kanie, N. OConnell, D. (2016). Integration: the key to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability Science, 1-9. Tawney, L., Miller, M. Bazilian, M. (2015). Innovation for sustainable energy from a pro-poor perspective. Climate Policy, 15(1), 146-162. Voegtlin, C. Scherer, A. (2017). Responsible innovation and the innovation of responsibility: Governing sustainable development in a globalized world. Journal of Business Ethics, 143(2), 227-243. Weaver, P., Jansen, L., Van Grootveld, G., Van Spiegel, E. Vergragt, P. (2017). Sustainable technology development.UK: Routledge. Welford, R. (2013). Hijacking environmentalism: Corporate responses to sustainable development.UK: Routledge